Saturday, February 4, 2012

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Aromatics that Soothe and Inspire the Heart

Valentine’s Day has been referred to as a man made marketing fest for greeting cards, flowers and chocolates. Yet it continues to inspire expressions of romance, honoring of friendships and love ones. This special day inspires hope for continued warm, caring relationships. Garden of Eve offers Special Valentine’s Discounts on personalized presents for both men and women.

Use 15 % Discount Code VAL2012.

At Garden of Eve we support the ‘scentiments’ of Valentine’s Day with the aromatic essences of Rose and Citrus which historically have been found to bring ‘Joy to the Heart’ since the days of Cleopatra.

A favorite story I came upon in my study of aromatherapy, was that of Cleopatra and how she used the essential oils in her conquest of Mark Anthony. It is said that on her voyage down the Nile to meet the famous leader, she had the sails of her ship soaked with the essential oils of rose and orange three times a day. Of course, she had the 'staff?’ to accomplish this. The significance of the rose oil is that it is has an effect of opening one's heart to being receptive. Orange oil brings harmony and balance to both body and mind. So this aromatic blend set the scene and the mood for her to be favorably received. Imagine the affect this had on Mark Anthony as well as all the town's people as Cleopatra's ship sailed into the harbor! Well, I'm sure this was not the only ploy she played on him. But I'm also certain it was quite effective!

Today anyone can warm their heart while softening their skin with Garden of Eve’s Joy to the Heart Hand and Body Cream. It affords a great opportunity to experience the deep uplifting calm of the aromatic blend of flowers.

You can never have too much Joy!

Men are not to be ignored on this day of caring expression. Garden of Eve has a special treat for men as well. Men can adorn themselves with pure subtle essences while addressing their masculine skin care needs. Adam’s After Shave Skin Toner is a great introduction to caring for masculine skin with only pure wholesome ingredients. Today men are seeking pure non-toxic skin care products. Garden of Eve offers a complete line of pure quality skin care for men.

Aromatherapy is an age old tradition that can reach the emotions on a deep and subtle level. Aromas can bring forward treasured memories of family and friends. Aromas can also inspire joy and creativity or enhance calm and relaxation. The right aroma can even help to promote a restful night’s sleep. Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity for introducing this ancient ‘therapy’ to a loved one.

This month we are offering Special Valentine’s Discounts on several products:

Hand & Body– Joy to the Heart ; Light & Lovely – Lavender ; Light and Lovely – no scent

For Men – After Shave Toner

Pregnancy– Light & Lovely – Lavender ; Light and Lovely – no scent Hand and Body Creams

Kits & Gifts – Hand and Body Care Kit

BodyWash gel – the Shower Soother is made with Jasmine, which is particularly soothing and uplifting to the heart.

BodyWash gel TRIO - Select 1, 2 or 3 of a kind.

Enter Coupon Code: VAL2012
(Valid thru February 15)

Care for Your Skin Naturally with
Garden of Eve's pure natural skin care solutions
as pure as it gets


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is There A Fountain of Youth?

Our culture puts a great deal of emphasis on maintaining the appearance of youth, good looks, and even conventional appearance. Consequently there is a huge market for anti-aging skin care products and cosmetics that cover-up unique appearances promoting the same concept of beauty for everyone.

Personally, I have never bought into to the concept of the aging process. I believe that good health created by enjoying a healthy lifestyle of good balanced nutrition, enjoyable exercise, quality rest and relaxation with attention to mastering stress will support our health and well being which in turn will exhibit a vibrancy that glows from the inside outward. This to me is the true fountain of youth.

At any time we can reverse the aging process, at least to some degree. In my view reversing the aging process is not the optimum goal, rather creating vibrant health which glows like a light from the inside out. Whether you intend to reverse aging or prevent aging the process is the same. Giving our bodies, including our skin, the nourishment it requires to continually regenerate healthy cells is what constitutes optimal health and beauty. At any time we can enhance our health of body, mind and spirit such that we project a vibrancy that indicates a ‘joi-de-vivre.’

Identifying what we associate as the signs of aging is useful. These are our body’s signals that we are out of balance. Wrinkles, dull and dry skin, brown spots, loss of facial tone and contours, stiff aching joints and muscles, shrinking muscles, loss of strength, tiredness are all indications that our self health care is lacking. How we develop these signs needs to be better understood. Both genetics and lifestyle will influence our health and the way we look and feel as our years increase in number.

Our signs of aging should develop slowly and gradually. We can’t stop or prevent aging. It is a natural life process. However, I believe that we all can style our years with grace.

Helpful practices for maintaining a vibrant glow of grace –

1.Nutrition –

a. Establish an eating plan suited to your health needs and activity. Eat non-
processed whole foods that are free from synthetic preservatives, rich in
antioxidants, live enzymes, plant form trace minerals and essential fatty acids. Discover the foods that specifically suit you.
b. Drink sufficient pure water – 1 oz per pound of body weight sipped slowly
thruout the day.
c. Minimize your consumption of sugars, low quality fats, caffeine, and alcohol.
2. Enjoy quality exercise and leisure activities
3. Get quality relaxation and rest – yoga, meditation.
4. Incorporate methods for mastering stress.
5. Minimize the use of make up . Many ingredients in make up clog pores, dry and harm the skin and your health. ..and even age the appearance of your skin.
6. Search for and use the purest skin care products that you can find.
7. Laugh! …A lot!
8. Create the Life that YOU Enjoy!

True beauty is each individual’s unique natural beauty. Developing your healthy, vibrant body, mind and spirit is the greatest beauty you can display.
Click for company profile

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Green Gifting for the Holidays: A Gift for the Planet

Green Gifting for the Holidays; A Gift for the Planet

Give green gifts during the Holiday Season and introduce your friends and family to ways of caring for the planet. This practice can help green consciousness ‘ripple out.’

As we approach the Holiday Season colder weather and increasing darkness draw us toward thoughts of cozying up to be warm. This is also a season of activities that center around festivities often involving gift giving as a means of honoring relationships with family and friends.

When selecting gifts and preparing for festivities, choices are available that can benefit the planet. Consumers are finding that purchasing from ‘true’ Green Companies can be a positive experience - from the superior value of the products to the pleasant and caring customer service. After all, caring for people is an aspect of caring for our planet. It is a step forward toward individual personalized care that had been left behind when commerce became ‘mega-commerce.’

Seeking out sustainably produced foods, decorative items and gifts has a long reaching positive effect for the planet. Quality products that are produced in an environmentally friendly way are considered to be a purchase of optimum value. There are many types of companies that have built their product offerings on the criteria of caring for the planet. Green gifting is an opportunity to care for our planet and share new ideas about what is available from dedicated environment friendly and fair trade companies. This practice can help green consciousness ‘ripple out.’ As people enjoy their green gifts they may choose to incorporate those products into their daily life.

And so the questions arise – How do we find reliable Green Companies? How can we know that a company is a true environmentally conscious company? Obviously there are companies that are merely jumping on the ‘green marketing wagon’ and their products and practices when checked out are really no better than common commercial mega companies. Just to add to the confusion there are a variety of “green certifications” for which we do not know the standards behind the ‘badge.’ Fortunately there are a few organizations that are known for their diligence in screening companies and their certification is therefore a bona-fide statement of true green companies. Green, Socially, Sustainability are a few. An internet search of these sites will point to our local green companies.

When shopping in town or on the internet, conversations with staff can lead to interesting, informative concepts about the source of items and the mission of a company that stands for green and/or fair trade ideals. There is much attention these days regarding personal and business practices that are eco-friendly, planet sustainable and green. People are looking closer at the smaller things that can make a positive impact on our life on this planet for both the present and the future. There is much that each of us can do that will cause minimal change to the way we live and yet create a significant improvement to the quality of our lives and the health of our planet. Over the past decade(s) numerous small companies have been bringing attention to their green and sustainable practices.

These are companies that are using natural and organic ingredients free from synthetic chemicals; marketing clothing that is made with organically produced fibers; incorporating and distributing fair trade ingredients and products that are made with such ingredients. There are consultants who guide businesses and teach individuals how to create a purely green existence. Travel companies list accommodations that adhere to green practices for the green traveler. Companies strive to create minimal waste and toxicity by following the three ‘Rs’ of greening – reducing, recycling, and reusing office supplies and packaging materials.

Green companies are producing products that are inspired by a heartfelt desire to produce quality products that are not at all harmful to people and our planet. They usually go the extra step to ensure the superior quality of each ingredient, the perfection of each finished product, and that their customers sense that they are being cared for as individuals. Personal contact with the producer of a product is only experienced with a small hand crafting company. This interaction creates a satisfying experience for both the consumer and the producer.

Do something special for the planet this Holiday Season by thinking green and fair trade when purchasing those special gifts for friends and family. Make Holiday Gifts Choices a Gift for the Planet.

Author, Eve Stahl, Founder/Owner Garden of Eve Skin Care LLC, is a Health Consultant, Herbalist and Skin Care expert. She specializes in using nature’s plants to enhance the health of people and to protect the health of our planet. To achieve this purpose she has created Garden of Eve Skin Care products for sensitive skin and all skin types. You can visit her company at: Ask about local Spas' treatments with Garden of Eve Spa products.
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Friday, March 11, 2011

The role of Vital Force in health and skin care

"What is the essence of life energy?"

"Does the life energy of plants differ from that of man and animals?"

Philosophers, physicians, and every day seekers have pondered the subject since the days of Hypocrites. Early physicians referred to a mysterious energy or spirit-like substance that had a definite role in life and health. They called it “vital force.“

Vital force is an aspect of nature that “orders” our body so that it may maintain or restore health. When the vital force is disrupted or “dis-ordered” the body manifests symptoms of imbalance as colds, allergies, aches, illness and disease.

How does this pertain to skin care?

Similarly the skin shows imbalances in terms of rashes, dryness or oiliness, breakouts, wrinkles and inflammation. This is how the body and skin communicate to us that it is "out of sorts" and in need of help.

It is important to know the elements that support a healthy energy flow i.e. vital force, and elements that disrupt energy flow resulting in signs of physical imbalance. This is the primary principle of how to stay healthy. It is a vital consideration when selecting skin care products.

“What happens when the vital force is ignored?”

The modern commercial skin care approach is to treat symptoms of dryness, oiliness, acne, and such with synthetic chemicals. This approach does not recognize the importance of the presence of vital force in skin and skin care ingredients.

When ingredients are used that do not support the vital force, symptoms may be appeased but the cause is not addressed. Additionally the body may become toxic from the synthetic chemical ingredients thus side effects can occur. Health in general can be compromised. Because synthetic ingredients do not support the body’s vital force it is crucial to seek skin care products that contain only ingredients that do have a vital force, and thereby support life, vitality and beautiful skin.

“How can we support the vital force in its effort to maintain optimum health and vibrant skin?”

The body will recognize and interact with elements of nature which contain vital force. We respond to nature – herbs, flower essences, essential oils, homeopathy, and “grown” food because we are nature. Within nature all organisms share a similar essence of vital force. To restore vital force to the body it is necessary to use these vital energies of nature.

What differentiates plants from synthetic ingredients is the presence of vital force. Plants are living beings. When we work with a plant its vital force interacts with the vitality of our own being in ways that enhance our well being far beyond the capabilities of synthetic ingredients.

When working with plant remedies – herbs, essential oils of plants, homeopathy, or flower essences we are taking in not only the nutritional and chemical constituents of the plants, we also take in the full energy and wisdom the plants offer. Understanding the mind, body and spirit’s responsiveness to the energies of nature’s plants is integral to an holistic approach to health.

“… that which does not support “life” breaks down life.”

Any product we use internally or topically (which in turn enters the bloodstream through the pores of our skin) whether it is food, supplements or skin care products, must have active vital force. If a substance is not “live” with vital force it is dead; the body cannot use it. What the body cannot use, it either converts to a usable state or relates to it as waste (toxic) matter that must be eliminated. Either way this creates an energy burden on the immune and detoxification systems of the body - liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. Thus any food or any product which does not support life breaks down life. Signs of aging, fatigue, toxicity, and poor health – disease will appear.

"Certain energies are known to disrupt the flow of vital force"

Vital force is an innate aspect of all living organisms - plants, humans and animals. However, certain energies are known to disrupt the flow of vital force - chemicals, preservatives, excessive heat, x-ray, microwave, electrical and magnetic frequencies. When foods and other health products are processed or merely come in contact with these energies they lose their vitality; their vital force is disrupted. This renders them less effective or ineffective and sometimes even harmful as they rob energy and vitality from the body.

“Do essential oils and hydrosols have vital force?”

Yes, some do. When distilled properly essential oils and hydrosols contain vital force. However, the vital force is often destroyed during the extraction process. Organically grown raw plant materials and proper life-preserving distillation methods can be costly. Many oils in the market place have been extracted with the use of chemical solvents to speed up the process, and extract greater quantities of fluid, thereby reducing production cost. Unfortunately the solvents are toxic to us and they destroy the vital force of the plants as well. Some essential oils and hydrosols on the market have been diluted and some are synthetic. The essential oils and hydrosols used at Garden of Eve skin care are intentionally distilled by low pressure, low temperature, pure steam distillation. The herbs and flowers are organically grown to ensure the absence of harmful synthetic pesticides. This ensures that the resulting skin care products are of great vital force, readily usable by the body.

The skin deep cosmetics safety database scores products from 0-10 hazard risk, 0 being the safest score. Synthetic ingredient products have high hazard scores whereas the more natural ingredient products have low, closer to '0' hazard scores. Garden of Eve skin care is proud of their 0 hazard scores in that database.

To best support health and vitality everything we eat, drink, or put on our skin is best chosen with vital force as a criteria.

Garden of Eve March Madness Special

Basic Face Care Kits

10% Discount - Use Code MARCH

Care for Your Skin Naturally


Garden of Eve Skin Care

as pure as it gets

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Celebraing Valentine's Day with Aromatic Traditions

Valentine’s Day has been referred to as a man made marketing fest for greeting cards, flowers and chocolates. Yet it continues to inspire expressions of romance, honoring of friendships and love ones. This special day inspires hope for continued warm, caring relationships. Garden of Eve offers Special Valentine’s Discounts on personalized presents for both men and women.
Use 10 % Discount Code VAL2011.

At Garden of Eve we support the ‘scentiments’ of Valentine’s Day with the aromatic essences of Rose and Citrus which historically have been found to bring ‘Joy to the Heart’ since the days of Cleopatra. An ancient tale of luring the heart speaks of Cleopatra soaking the sails of her ship with Rose and Orange essential oils in order to launch her plan to lure Mark Anthony as her ship sailed into his harbor.

Today anyone can warm their heart while softening their skin with Garden of Eve’s Joy to the Heart Hand and Body Cream. It affords a great opportunity to experience the deep uplifting calm of the aromatic blend of flowers.

Men are not to be ignored on this day of caring expression. Garden of Eve has a special treat for men as well. Men can adorn themselves with pure subtle essences while addressing their masculine skin care needs. Adam’s After Shave Skin Toner is a great introduction to caring for masculine skin with only pure wholesome ingredients. Today men are seeking pure non-toxic skin care products. Garden of Eve offers a complete line of pure quality skin care for men.

Aromatherapy is an age old tradition that can reach the emotions on a deep and subtle level. Aromas can bring forward treasured memories of family and friends. Aromas can also inspire joy and creativity or enhance calm and relaxation. The right aroma can even help to promote a restful night’s sleep. Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity for introducing this ancient ‘therapy’ to a loved one.

Garden of Eve offers an array of aromatic creams that address a variety of possibilities.

Winter season is an excellent time to snuggle up with a book, a cup of tea and treat yourself to the uplifting, heart soothing aromas of nature’s gifts – the aromatic essential oils of plants.

Care for Your Skin Naturally
Garden of Eve's pure natural skin care solutions.
as pure as it gets

Monday, November 8, 2010

Garden of Eve is Offering Thanksgiving Green Gift Specials;

”We can give green gifts during the Holiday Season and introduce our friends and families to ways of caring for the planet while caring for ourselves as well.” This practice can help green consciousness ‘ripple out.’

Green Gifting for the Holidays is an important gift to the planet… and to our quality of life on this planet.

As Thanksgiving approaches thoughts of aromatic and yummy foods shared among friends and family come to mind. A special gift of appreciation to the Thanksgiving Host is always a nice touch.

Garden of Eve is offering Thanksgiving Special Discounts on their attractive Basic Face Care Kits and Hand and Body Care products. Use Coupon Code: THANKS

"We have created a product line that makes it simple for consumers to protect themselves and the world they live in," says Garden of Eve founder and health consultant Eve Stahl."We don't need to sacrifice our health for the beauty of our skin, and likewise we don't need to sacrifice the health of our planet to have beautiful skin. Excellent results can be achieved with ingredients from nature." Eve, founder of Garden of Eve says ”We can give green gifts during the Holiday Season and introduce our friends and families to ways of caring for the planet while caring for ourselves as well.” This practice can help green consciousness ‘ripple out.’ As people enjoy their green gifts they may choose to incorporate those products into their daily life.

Many green products can enhance the quality and enjoyment of our daily life, e.g. foods, skin care, clothing and decorative items. There are many types of companies that have built their product offerings on the criteria of caring for the planet.
br> Consumers are finding that purchasing from ‘true’ Green Companies to be a positive experience - from the superior value of the products to the pleasant and caring customer service. After all caring for people is an aspect of caring for our planet. It is a step forward toward individual personalized care that had been left behind when commerce became ‘mega-commerce.’

Garden of Eve Skin Care exemplifies true green principles in every aspect of their company’s actions. At Garden of Eve a prime focus is to reduce the carbon footprint of skin care production. Ingredients are prepared by natural methods – steam distillation of herbs for essential oils and hydrosols, cold pressed carrier oils, and natural gas extracts. There is minimal electrical power and minimal water use in production. No environmentally damaging chemicals are used.

Additionally to support fair trade efforts ‘Kits and Gifts’ are packaged in attractive hand-made fiber bags and bamboo boxes produced by a fair trade company in the Philippines. The containers of the finished products can be reused or recycled. Shipping supplies are also reusable, recyclable biodegradable materials often from suppliers’ shipments and local stores that would otherwise end up in landfill. Printing is on recycled paper and Energy Star-rated electronic equipment is chosen.

This is what qualifies Garden of Eve as...

Green “Skin Care that Cares for Our Planet.”

Do something special for the planet this Holiday Season by thinking green when purchasing special gift items for friends and family. For Green Gift ideas see what Garden of Eve is offering this season.

Make Holiday Gift Choices a Gift for the Planet

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Renewal Mud Special; What is Planet-friendly

Fall Renewal Mud Special;
What is Planet-Friendly?

We are finally settled in our new, beautiful location in North Garden, VA. Orders did continue to flow throughout the move. Keeping up with production through the move was a bit challenging at times. Our FALL Renewal Mud Special, although a bit delayed is now available. This is an excellent time of year to mud mask, as the season changes.
Cleanse the Pores - Exfoliate - and Renew!
Our FALL Renewal Special Offer is 18% OFF ALL Mud Party products
Valid thru November 15, 2010
Use Coupon Code: MUD

The mud comes in a 7oz. tub. This supply should last you through the Holiday Season, so that you can maintain your skin looking fresh, clear and renewed despite the challenges that Holiday celebrations and ‘goodies’ present.

Living Green

I have had some thoughts brewing that were stirred up by the experience of the moving process. They are related to people’s concepts of ‘What is Eco-friendly’ and What people may ‘pass off’ as eco-or planet-friendly , which I have seen to be contrary to my belief in what is planet-friendly i.e. in support of our health and the health of our planet.

My recent experience -

I had my furniture cleaned by an ‘environmentally friendly’ company. They did an excellent job and I would use them again and recommend them with one realization in mind. While they were cleaning my sofas and I was busy continuing to pack boxes. I noticed a scent in the air that immediately registered as a ‘not’ natural aroma. When I asked what that was the cleaner said it is a ‘deodorizer.’ I commented that there was NO odor in my furniture and he agreed saying we always use this when there are pets. That raised a FLAG to me. I commented that ‘Clean’ has NO smell and their deodorizer to me was a toxic odor. Bless them, they are a wonderful company and re-cleaned my furniture to remove the ‘odor of the deodorizer.’ They did such a good job that I had them clean all my area rugs, tapestry and other items.

What is the true, pure definition of Environmentally or Planet - Friendly?

This is my core belief and my criteria for choosing anything that enters my physical environment, i.e. food, body care products, household cleaners and clothing as well how I have developed the Garden of Eve Skin Care products.
Only the elements that exist in nature belong in our environment.

i.e. Only elements that are produced by the planet are planet-friendly.
This is why...

What grows in nature is made of the same vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones and essential fatty acids that we are made of. That is why we benefit from them as our food, herbal remedies, and aromatic potions. Our bodies accept these as similar to and in alignment with our chemistry and thus conducive to building our health. Each plant, animal and mammal is different only in that these elements are configured differently for each species. Any highly processed version of any of these natural elements is no longer of the same purity and same essence as nature produced. It is therefore recognized by our bodies and our environment as a foreign substance that is potentially toxic. Research has shown that synthetic chemicals and synthetic fragrances specifically, are potentially toxic to our health and to the health of our environment. They are contrary to our natural chemistry and that of our planet. The deodorizer that I smelled got my attention immediately as not natural and toxic to me. Our sense of smell serves us as an early warning system. It is worthwhile to pay close attention. Only elements that are the same as what we and nature are made of are truly “planet friendly, environmentally safe, or eco-friendly.”

Questions and comments on this subject are welcome by email

Happy Halloween!
Eve and The Garden of Eve

Restore Your Skin's Health Naturally
with Garden of Eve Skin Care

as pure as it get