Monday, December 14, 2009

The New Year’s Resolution that Fuels Them All:Self-Care;

' Bringing in the New Year traditionally inspires making resolutions to do better, be better and take better self-care. What to do to ensure the energy, and positive outlook to maintain the focus toward goals for 2010? It’s easy; make self-care the #1 priority. At Garden of Eve safe skin care is the primary mission. It isn't any wonder their products excel in the Skin Deep database, a popular consumer guide to safe cosmetic products.

Afton, VA (PRWEB) December 2, 2009 --
Garden of Eve is proud to announce their support of the #1 important New Year's Resolution - taking care of oneself. After the Holiday Season’s festivities many people notice that their indulgence in the temptations of food and drink, has taken a toll on their energy and physical appearance. Along with the dryness of winter climate’s air, water and indoor heating one can’t miss that their skin now wants special pampering for renewal. All of this serves as motivation for making New Year’s resolutions for self-care. New Year’s resolutions come and go, but one that has stood the test of time and drives all the others is Self-Care. By taking care of oneself FIRST it’s then possible to focus on relationships and on goal achievement. Along with improved eating habits, getting adequate rest, and exercise, skin care tops the charts in the self-care category. But unlike the first three, it’s not really dependent on having a lot of self-control, so it has a higher probability of success.

“What better way to start the New Year in 2010 than pursuing safe skin care as a pathway to improved self-care”

Bringing the New Year in with an improved choice of safe skin care products is in keeping with the times. Today, consumers are seeking value in their purchases. Skin care that protects health rather than compromises health, as well as being a quality product that provides effective skin care is considered to be a purchase of optimum value. To assist with kicking-off the New Year’s Resolutions, Garden of Eve is offering a New Year’s Resolution Discount Special.

"The harsh chemicals in many beauty products are unknowingly absorbed into the skin and ultimately can travel through the body by way of the circulatory system. Consumers are beginning to realize that safe skin care is as important to their well-being as the food they eat.” says Garden of Eve founder and health consultant Eve Stahl. “With some skin care ingredients being linked to kidney or liver damage and other severe problems, there is great importance in having alternative options for women and men who want to maintain an all-around healthy lifestyle.

It’s well known that the skin is the first line of defense against all elements, such as microorganisms, wind, and pollutants. Its “acid mantle,” provides a barrier function against harmful substances in the environment. Additionally it should protect us from the harmful ingredients used in some skin care products. However, penetration enhancer ingredients are used to overcome the body’s natural defense mechanism. Those armed with the latest in skin care research and products that are proven by hard data to be pure, do have a fighting chance. The secret weapon of a wise consumer is to be an educated consumer.

Fortunately, now there’s an online database where consumers can go to see first-hand what kind of harmful substances might be in their favorite face cream or suntan lotion. The “Skin Deepdatabase provides all the information that consumers need to make informed decisions about their skin care products. The database was created in response to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), findings that more than 750 personal care products that are sold in the U.S. violate industry safety or cosmetic safety standards in other industrialized countries, according to the EWG in a 2007 letter to the FDA. For those in the know, there are safe alternatives.

Enter Garden of Eve products, made for both men and women and ranging in scope from cleansers to moisturizer creams. Eve’s products provide a natural alternative to other brands and are made with organic and wild crafted extracts and essential oils of herbs and exotic flowers that naturally replenish the skin. The Garden of Eve product line, founded in 2003 by health consultant and beauty expert Eve Stahl, is specially crafted to revitalize the skin in a 100% safe and ecologically- friendly manner. Garden of Eve skin care products are at the head of the class for safety, both in the Skin Deep database and in the hearts and minds of customers world-wide. What better way to start the New Year in 2010 than pursuing safe skin care as a pathway to improved self-care.”

Greening the Holidays with Garden of Eve's Skin Care that Cares for the Planet

Consumers are seeking value in their purchases. Many consumers don't realize that beauty products can be packed with double value, beautifying not only their skin but the planet too. Skin care products can have a huge negative impact on the planet due to the synthetic chemicals they frequently contain. Garden of Eve products bring a unique, beautifying experience to consumers every day through the use of carefully selected whole plant ingredients, perfect for green gifting.

Garden of Eve is proud to announce their Green Skin Care Gift Sets for Green Holiday shoppers. Consumers today want to make a difference in the world in as many ways as possible. With careful selection of natural skin care products it is possible to leverage purchasing power to beautify the skin, and the planet too. "Doing well by doing good" is a concept that is really catching on, and by purchasing products that reduce carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability, everyone can do their part without going outside their current budget or buying extra products that they normally wouldn't purchase. In these tough economic times, great values can be found that resonate with a planet-friendly worldview and a desire to make the world a better place. Garden of Eve’s Special Holiday Offers include attractive green skin care gift sets packaged in fair trade hand woven fiber bags at special discounted prices for the holidays.

Today, consumers are seeking value in their purchases. Safe skin care that has a health value as well as being a quality product that provides effective skin care plus is produced in an environmentally-friendly way is considered to be a purchase of optimum value. Many consumers have become aware of the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database report for assessing the safety of their skin care products. Accessing information about the safety of cosmetic products also assists people to make environmentally-friendly choices. “What is safe for people is more likely to be safe for the planet.”

A "face for the ages" (not an aging face), and a healthy radiant appearance can be achieved using pure natural plant ingredients, like those found in Garden of Eve Skin Care systems. Even better, their use can help to protect the planet. In her book, "Drop Dead Gorgeous," author Kim Erickson writes, "Many of the ingredients used in cosmetics are environmental pollutants. Along with the waste produced during the manufacturing process, millions of gallons of synthetic chemicals are washed down the drain and into the sewer every day. "But what can be done to stop this? By purchasing safe and "Green" this holiday season, shoppers can truly make a difference. And why not be sure about what we use on our skin? It's the largest organ of the body and the doorway to good health. Garden of Eve products lead the way in safety scores and sustainability practices. They have delighted consumers since the company was founded in 2003.

Garden of Eve was created by Eve Stahl, a health consultant and beauty expert with a passion for protecting the planet."We don't need to sacrifice our health for the beauty of our skin, and likewise we don't need to sacrifice the health of our planet to have beautiful skin. Excellent results can be achieved with ingredients from nature." Eve's own experience with environmental sensitivity and sensitive skin issues led her on a journey that eventually resulted in the creation of her own company. She built Garden of Eve based on green business practices, such as using reusable and recyclable packaging materials from suppliers' shipments and local stores that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Using plant ingredients rather than synthetic petro-chemicals, printing on recycled paper, and choosing Energy Star-rated electronic equipment are some of the other green choices that Garden of Eve makes in doing its part. Eve is also a participating member of the Green America Business Network and a signer of the Compact for Safe Cosmetics. Together, both of these non-profit organizations exemplify the two guiding principles on which she developed her company - safe for people and safe for the planet.

Do something special for the planet this holiday season by thinking green when purchasing special gift items for friends and family. For green gift ideas see what Garden of Eve is offering this season.

Make Holiday Gift Choices a Gift for the Planet.