Monday, July 13, 2009

It's All In Your Eyes

Whether we are 60 ,70 , 20 or 30 years old what keeps our appearance healthy, vibrant and beautiful is the same. In my January 2008 newsletter "Is There A Fountain of Youth?" I wrote about a broad spectrum of ways to care for our 'fountain of youth.' Today my focus is primarily on our skin and the changes that we notice in our appearance that develop over time. Rather than call this aging or mature skin, I prefer to call this 'skin that is different than it used to be.' True, with time our appearance changes. However, it does not need to look less vibrant, unhealthy or unattractive.

There are a few simple steps that are effective for maintaining the vitality of our skin. First, let's consider what we identify as loss of vitality? Wrinkles, dryness, dullness, brown spots, puffiness, broken capillaries, and scars detract from our appearance and are interpreted as aging. The eye area is 'read' first and tells the most about us. Care for the eye area can have a significant effect on our look of vitality and the message that we present to the world...and to ourselves.

The skin around the eye area tends to be thin and delicate and is therefore likely to show wrinkles and discoloration easily. As we get older our bodies produce less collagen, thus the skin becomes less supple and resilient. Environmental pollutants and toxins also stress the eye area as does overexposure to the sun.

Toxic products and procedures are not necessary to regain a healthy, vibrant appearance. Natural ingredients have been used effectively for skin care for centuries in Asia, Africa, India, Egypt and the Middle East. Because the skin around the eyes is so thin, it is easily penetrated by the ingredients in skin care products. It is therefore especially important to use eye care products that are made only with safe ingredients.

Wrinkles - Nature's herbs, roots and flowers can be blended to soften the appearance of wrinkles by alleviating dryness, toning the skin and supporting cell regeneration. Reversing the appearance of aging and enhancing the look of vitality is a specialty of nature's plants. Drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water sipped throughout the day as well as avoiding dehydrating foods and beverages such as salt, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol will be very effective as well.

Dark circles and puffiness under and around the eye area can be related to digestion, food sensitivities and food allergies as well as seasonal allergies. It is worth identifying what causes and/or increases this response for you. Once food sensitivities are identified it is clear that the symptom won't disappear without removing the stimulus. There are herbs that support the immune system specifically for sinus and allergy relief. The immune system also responds well to eating and juicing anti-oxidant rich vegetables (green, red and orange.) I can't say enough good things about the benefits of the raw enzymes that you'll get with juicing vegetables.

There are herbs that can be safely blended into eye crèmes that support good circulation and often will help disperse the darkness and puffiness under the eyes that has accumulated over time. My Rejuvenating Eye Crème PLUS has worked very well for some people. For the best results a dual approach of food choices and eye crème product is encouraged.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Are Your Skin Care Products Safe? EWG - Skin Deep Report

In recent years there has been a steady increase in chemical sensitivity, food sensitivities and environmental sensitivities. Many people’s systems are so sensitive they have difficulty finding skincare products that won’t cause a reaction. The reactions people experience vary. Some people break out in a rash, while others get headaches or asthma from synthetically derived scents. Most people who experience sensitivity reactions are actually blessed with this early warning mechanism. It is far better to react with intolerance than to discover years later the effects of long term toxic overload from synthetic chemicals in body care and food products.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has developed a database entitled “Skin Deep Report.” This database is a valuable tool for consumers who choose to be informed of the toxicity or lack of toxicity of the body care products they use. The database report is quite user friendly. It consists of 1002 Companies and their (14,390) products that have been rated specifically for the cancer risk associated with product ingredients. The information is based on 37 toxicity and regulatory databases compiled to provide safety ratings and brand comparisons that help consumers choose safer products.

I suggest you go to the database and have some fun looking up different products to learn what they are made with and how they are rated.
If you haven’t guessed it already, I am happy to say,Garden of Eve’s products have excellent scores.

Garden of Eve Skin Care Brand Report:

Garden of Eve Wise Woman Emollient Product:

Further Impact:

Any products we use that are made with toxic synthetic chemicals e.g. body care, food, cleaning products have a detrimental impact on our environment as well. Foods and personal care products end up in human excretions, which along with cleaning products are washed down the drain into our waterways and earth.

Are You Sensitive to Scents?

Although the only scent in Garden of Eve Skincare products is that of pure steam distilled plants, I understand some people’s systems are so sensitive they can easily be overwhelmed even by the scents of natural ingredients.
For this reason all Garden of Eve products are available with little or no scent. c

Being chemically sensitive myself, I know how difficult and frustrating it can be to find quality products you can use. This is why I developed Garden of Eve skincare products – first for myself.

Now, it is a pleasure for me to help people looking for non-toxic products that benefit their skin. Although most people do very well with my basic formulations, I am happy to customize products when needed.

Custom Blending
For help choosing skin care products to meet your individual needs,contact Eve to schedule a consultation.

Preview - My April Newsletter will reveal:
The hazards of commercial sunscreen
The Benefits of sunlight
Ways we can support our health to protect us from the harm of sunrays.

Yours in Health and Beauty,

Sensitive Skin, is it a blessing or a curse? Enjoying Winter

People frequently come to me with sensitive skin. They tell me they can't find products that won't irritate their skin and cause reactions. These reactions can be redness, tingling, puffiness, break outs or actual inflammation and pain.

Most people, even those with sensitive skin, find that my products are a great match for them right away. Their skin responds readily to the purity and simplicity of the calming plant ingredients that I choose. For many people the change to using natural ingredient products is sufficient to alleviate their sensitivities. For others their skin sensitivity response is more involved.

An important consideration is that when one switches from using synthetic chemicals to natural ingredients the skin will naturally initiate a cleansing process to remove the synthetic chemicals as soon as you stop using those chemicals. That is known as the ‘Body’s Wisdom.’ The same type of spontaneous cleansing occurs when you eliminate processed foods and switch to all natural and organic foods.

Therefore, as the skin is introduced to new 'clean' ingredients it may not appear clear right away. It needs to clear gradually and adjust in order to find its own proper balance. Thus the process of switching from synthetic compounds to natural ingredient products can sometimes be difficult to interpret.

Sometimes the skin may appear dry or show patches of dryness even though it hadn’t previously. Break-outs may appear or increase. Sensitivity may heighten temporarily. Skin may appear dull. Realize that the skin can become confused when a product that it has become accustomed to is removed from your regime. It is common for the skin to experience a process of withdrawing from the ingredients of one product before it can start fresh to receive and interpret the benefits of the new natural ingredient product. There are thousands of synthetic ingredients that are used in commercial products. Because everyone’s skin and system is different there is an extensive variety of withdrawal-cleansing patterns.

Patience is Golden!

Some people’s sensitivities are such that they react more so than respond to any change in skin care. These are people who benefit the most from custom blended products. A prime benefit of custom blending is the opportunity to select ingredients that are best suited to an individual. Not all plant ingredients are a good match for everyone. Occasionally a person may have a sensitivity to a plant that is known for its beneficial skin care properties. It is very much like a person having a food sensitivity to chick peas. It is a nourishing food, yet not everyone can utilize it efficiently. Therefore a sensitivity response occurs.

For some people the customizing process requires both patience and persistence in order to arrive at a formulation that will produce calm clear skin. During this process although it may not be obvious, the skin is progressively changing and improving. I therefore adjust the custom blend throughout this gradual process. You can rest assured that the reward of clear healthy skin that glows and radiates good health is available for everyone… without the use of harmful synthetic chemicals.

That is how health is created naturally. Whether it is the health of the skin or any aspect of one's health, creating health naturally, on a cellular level is a gentle process that requires a bit of patience and committed persistence.

Most often a total health commitment i.e. to whole foods free from synthetic ingredients and preservatives along with the use of non-toxic household cleaning products will hasten the return to healthy vibrant skin. The appearance of our skin is a reflection of our general health. It is actually the body communicating to us the imbalance within. Therefore the best approach to clear skin is a total health approach.

How Natural Ingredient Skin Care Products Can Help Improve Skin Conditions

We depend on nature's plants, fish and mammals to maintain and build our health - actually to keep us alive and well. When the body lacks appropriate nourishment our health declines. Environmental toxins and emotional upsets also stress our health. The early signs of stress and deficiencies that show up are a general low immune system, i.e. susceptibility to frequent colds and flues. Unless the cause is corrected, more severe illness will result. Illnesses in turn can progress to degenerative diseases of the body systems.

Unhealthy skin, hair and finger nails are also signs of physical imbalance. In caring for our skin we can experience the best improvement by adopting a dual approach of improved nourishment, i.e. proper diet as well as directly applying effective natural ingredient body care products.

Improved health and physical appearance can be restored to the body in a safe and effective manner with the use of nature's plants. Herbalism has been effectively used throughout the history of man. It is a powerful and safe approach to maintaining and restoring health. Herbs are specialized foods with specific functions that offer many varied physical benefits. The body responds well to the use of herbs and vegetable oils as they are composed of the same chemical makeup as our body. Our body responds readily to the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, hormones, and oxygen that are found in these plants. It stands to reason, that what maintains and builds health, can also restore health and balance to the body.

Our skin craves hydration and the nourishment that herbs and plant oils offer. When developing skin care products for different skin types and conditions, the specific properties of plants are considered. Some plants are known to be particularly hydrating while others are known for their ability to tone the skin and shrink the appearance of large pores. When formulating a skin care system specifically for acne the aspects of skin care to be considered are deep gentle cleansing, toning pores to prevent debris from being lodged in the pores and on the surface of the skin, support the skin’s ability to maintain balanced sebum, i.e. oil production, soothe the skin and support the renewal of soft smooth skin. There are many natural elements – herbs, flowers, clays and mud that can be incorporated into a skin care system that will help balance, minimize and even prevent the symptoms of acne.

Of all skin types acne is the most obviously individual. Each person’s acne is due to different causes and therefore responds differently to care. What works for one person may not solve another person’s needs. Sometimes acne responds readily to a skin care system. When the acne is stubborn it will best respond to individualized custom care.

It is also important to realize that food choices - drinking plenty of water, eating a balanced diet of foods rich in anti-oxidant vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids and raw enzyme rich nutrition will have a powerful effect on your skin. Feeding your skin from within plus feeding your skin topically with pure wholesome balancing nutritive skin care products that are focused on your personal skin’s needs is sure to give positive results.